
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mama Bear Mode

Today Arley is scheduled to have a CT scan done. She will also meet her aunt Diane for the first time ever too. I'm really excited for my sister to visit. I haven't seen her since I was pregnant with Arley so it's been a long time coming.
So we have had a few hiccups today and I think my Facebook status will explain it much more eloquently than I could do right now at 7am as I write this...
Five hours later the CT scan is finally done. Arley did wonderful and was a trooper. CT scans do NOT take that long to do however two emergencies came up (other patients) and then there was a hiccup. This morning the nurses were supposed to give Arley a certain size line for her sedation. I heard the message relayed but it was never carried out so several times today my poor battered and bruised (...from all the pokes and prods) little girl was running out of places for IVs to be put in her to help sedate her for the procedure. I called for her doctor (big boss man) to assist in getting this done for her. He's also going to help me file a complaint against the two people who didn't carry out their original job. Arley was put through a lot of unnecessary "trauma" today because of it. Mama bear mode had to come out in order for things to be done right. She has not eaten in 24 hrs or had anything to drink so thankfully her doctor found people who knew what they were doing to get the job done. I'm in recovery waiting for her to wake up and take her back to her room to snuggle. What was supposed to be something easy turned out to be a huge deal because someone didn't do their job right this morning. I am completely exhausted as is Arley and am thankful at least it wasn't something major that went wrong and that her doctor is a huge advocate for her. Tomorrow is another huge day so we have to prepare for that now. Thanks for checking up everyone!

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