What I do have a problem with it when people judge you for things they know absolutely nothing about.
I belong to a really fantastic chat group. I may have mention it before, but honestly couldn't tell ya. Anyway there was a topic posted by someone that really got me going. I guess you could call it a "hot button topic" as I stewed about it hours later after already saying my peace about the whole thing.
I didn't read the article that accompanied the statement the person wrote because to me had zero relevance, what bothered me the most was that she said "I peek into others carts especially those with children and I am shocked to see what they are feeding themselves let alone their children."
My reply- Then you would be shocked by what you see in my cart considering my daughter has texture issues and her taste buds are constantly changing due to radiation and chemotherapy. Don't make judgements when you have no idea.
My next thought was (although someone beat me to it) Why do you care? The question went unanswered, not surprising.
What grind my gears the most about this is what would you do if you came across my shopping cart and it looked like this?
Are you going to assume I'm a terrible parent because I feed my kid nothing but "junk"? Are you going to assume I must be on food stamps because I'm not buying any "healthy" foods for my child?
Well allow me to let you in on a little secret in the cancer world. Nobody gives a fuck what I feed my child so long as she is eating they don't care what it is and at this point you shouldn't care either.
Let me just say this WASNT a comment directed at me or in regards to having a child who is sick with an illness, but I most definitely took this to heart because really what would you have done if you saw my cart?
Nobody has any idea what it's like for a Cancer patient to battle foods and liquids on a daily basis. Their taste buds are going through a hot mess right now and not only that, but factor in that my child still has a texture issue limits what I can feed her even more.
I guess I can be thankful that my daughter isn't the boy on the unit who eats nothing but bacon all day everyday because that's all he can handle simply because I don't know how to make it!
As a parent I will go to the ends of the Earth to satisfy any craving Arley has. I jokingly compare Arley to a pregnant lady because she has weird cravings all the time and also has food aversions like you wouldn't believe.
I am already very limited on what I can feed her so when you take away one of her most beloved foods your heart sinks because it makes you that much closer to having to give feeds through her tube.
She also has had a decrease in her fluid intake by mouth as well, but think it has to do with getting fluid with her treatment so it fills her up a lot. As a result I have started to need to give her a liquid feed in her tube before bed just to make up for what she hasn't consumed on her own.
Not only that, but now she has to have nausea medicine on a daily basis as well. She threw up three mornings in a row and her gag reflux has been on overdrive in the mornings as well.
Again, can be similar to a pregnant woman suffering from morning sickness. However good news for pregnant women though is that it doesn't usually last the whole pregnancy (it can!) and will go away once the baby is born anyways. Cancer patients don't have that kind of luxury.
Another thing is the medical team is more concerned with her keeping weight on no matter how it's accomplished. Arley has continuously lost weight every week for the last four months. She has maintained it a few times but over all it's been quite a bit of loss.
So the next time you're at the grocery store and you happen to "peek in" at what your fellow shoppers are purchasing, keep the comments to yourself. You have no idea who they are shopping for or why and quite frankly it's none of your damn business either.
Medical reasons, illness, emotional eater, fast metabolism, or just because are all suitable reasons to fill your cart however you please. Until someone else is buying our groceries nobody has a say and I plan on keeping it that way.
Until next time friends....
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