
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Struggle is Definitely Real

It's been 8 weeks. Eight solid weeks since Arley has been healthy. I don't know what the problem is, or why her immune system has been attacking lately. She has been sick with literally six different diagnoses (some of them twice) and I wish I could say it's an exaggeration, but it's not, I have witnesses. 

We have had to cancel our trip out to Boston for scans and testing four times now. Each time we reschedule I think she couldn't possibly be sick by the time the new appointment rolls around, but without fail, every.single.time she is under the weather and the anesthesia protocol won't allow her to be seen and rightfully so. 

The struggle is definitely real. If I could put her into a bubble I most certainly would, but that's not a life for a spirited six year old to lead. All the hand washing in the world, isn't going to protect her. Its times like this where I feel that homeschooling would be the wisest choice, but I refuse to deprive her of a normal childhood because of her health struggles. 

Regardless of anything though, she is your typical first grader. She's in her third year of dancing and surprisingly was able to perform in her dance school's winter recital two weeks ago before getting sick yet again a day later.

People often comment to me that they 'don't know how I do it.' Shit... I don't know how I do it either. It feels as though I am constantly just going through the motions and trying to keep our head above water long enough to avoid any hospitals visits. (We've been unsuccessful twice now) It's a constant inner battle of oneself to always make sure I am doing the right thing when it comes to her. Wondering if the environment she lives in is hurting or helping. (New England weather versus the Midwest or Southern states where the temperature is drier or warmer) I swear if I won the lottery tomorrow I would buy houses in different climates and see if that helps solves part of the problem. 

This whole experience has been exhausting as of late. Stressful too if I'm honest. Nothing however that I can not handle, or have handled in the last six years and will continue to do my very best to help her live as normal of a life as humanly possible.

Here's hoping 2018 provides some much needed relief in the health department and that things improve relatively soon. For now, that's my only update. Until next year...