
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sayonara Summer!

I had high hopes for this summer, I truly did. I thought, we had two awful summers health wise, we couldn't possibly go for a third. Or could we?


Arley has had some minor setbacks that we have been dealing with since the end of May that resulted in an impromptu visit to the emergency room when she spiked a fever and continuously kept vomiting despite our best efforts to keep it at bay.

As the summer wore on it didn't get any better and still hasn't, but with time I'm hopeful that it will fix itself. I haven't told too many people, even some of those in our inner circle don't know. It's not that I don't want other people to know, it's just a lot of people don't understand and I'm tired of the unsolicited advice I get even though it's full of good intentions. 

The thing of it is, and what people fail to realize is, Arley is not your typical kid when it comes to certain things and I accept that. With having cancer it has also magnified those things even greater. What works for Susie Sunshine down the street, won't work for her. Believe me, I have tried everything.

I will say though, and my wallet growls at me every time, but bribery has helped a little bit with the progression. Very, very slowly we are seeing positive results, but we are still no way near where we should be. Admittedly I'm usually not the type of parent who will use bribery for things to get done, but when it comes to ones health I will do whatever works. 

Learn to pick your battles with kids folks, seriously...

Needless to say, Arley has a fabulous Shopkins collection right now that she is quite proud of, compliments of the one and only Youtube, and it gets her excited and wanting to work hard at being successful which is always a positive in my book.

Currently we are awaiting our next round of scans to be done conveniently on the first day of preschool so naturally we will be missing it. Sad face. We then have to schedule three additional appointments with different doctors/teams to focus on some other issues that still haven't improved yet and could take up to a year to rectify itself. 

On a positive note though, Arley still maintains her upbeat, comedic personality and acts as though nothing fazes her in the slightest. She's looking forward to going to preschool and I hope to enroll her in dance if our schedule and budget allow for it. Plus she will be hanging out with the Hartford Hawks softball team again in a couple of weeks as well as celebrating her 4th birthday. We have a ton of exciting things to look forward to as we head into the cooler months and I'm ready for it. Until next time I bid you adieu. 

PS- Despite all that has gone on medically with Arley we still tried to make the most of our summer. We attended almost every single Bristol Blues baseball game, went to Lake Compounce, The Bronx Zoo, Boston, Museum of Science, Imagine Nation Museum, Peach and Strawberry picking, Jumpin Jammin, Flight Trampoline, the Library and a few other places I seem to have forgotten. 

One thing though that is certain, I will never allow the journey we are on to bring us down. Always moving onward and upward, conquering each battle as it arises.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Goodbye to Blue

Tonight was the final game of the regular season for the Bristol Blues. After the last strike out, it hit me that for now the games are over until next year and the wonderful experience we had has come to an end. 

I never thought in our wildest dreams that meeting some of the players for the first time back in June at Jump-N-Jammin would have turned into what it did for Arley. I knew upon discussions with some of the Blues staff that they wanted to invite Arley out to a game, meet the players, and have her throw out the first pitch, but I never excepted just how big of an impact that the team themselves would have on Arley and in turn her on them.

Every single game we attended Arley was able to go out on the field and say hello to the boys. Whether they were in the middle of warm-ups or tossing around a ball, they always stopped what they were doing to make sure they greeted her with open arms, smiles, hugs, and high-fives.

Not only did all the players acknowledge her, but all the staff knew her name and even some of the other ballpark goers which was always a pleasant surprise. In her own right she was kind of a mini celebrity.

Eventually, as time went on, Arley developed a liking to certain players and I have dubbed them together 'The Fab 5.'

These four guys have been truly amazing, made the biggest impact on Arley and held the closest bond. Christian Budzik (LL) was her #1 buddy. He took her into one of the bounce houses, caught her first pitch, and allowed her to douse him with water balloons during one of the mid-inning games. Gerrad Rohan (TR) and Steve Wallace (BR) presented Arley with the team jersey and Dominic LoBrutto (TL) is always one to have long conversations, take her running around the bases or watch fireworks. 

I hope their parents know that they did a good job raising these boys. The kindness and compassion they showed to the both of us was quite remarkable. I know it may have seemed interesting to some that a 3.5 year old girl was a member of the team, but Arley has such a love and passion for the game of baseball and has enjoyed cheering on "her boys" all summer.

This would also not have been possible if it wasn't for Director of Interns Briana Root and Director of Public Relations Joe Boyle. I thank the two of you immensely and have enjoyed getting to know you both all season. If there was ever a need for anything these two made it happen and they always made sure that no matter what they were doing, they would check up on us throughout the game, or sit and chat.

Another special thank you goes out to the General Manager Rick Muntean and the rest of the Blues ownership for also playing a role in allowing Arley to become a Bristol Blue. 

This summer has certainly been one I am sure Arley will never forget, and one that I know I will cherish forever because despite what Arley has been going through, the Bristol Blues made sure that was the last thing either of us thought about.

So from the bottom of our hearts, please know that we love you, we thank you, we wish you all nothing but success for the future and hope that you all have long careers and make it to the big leagues. See you next season and good luck in the playoffs.