
Friday, March 6, 2015

Brain Scan/MRI

Today Arley had her Brain scan/MRI and I'm pleased to report that she did a lot better with waking up this go around than she did last week when she had the PET scan. She wasn't as emotional and there was no need to try and calm her down. I firmly believe that allowing a child to wake up from the anesthesia on their own is the smartest and most beneficial for all involved. A huge lesson can be learned from this especially with the amount of times Arley has had to be put under for various procedures, I think I would know what's in the best interest of my child.

Also, I know a lot of people have been wondering about the results, but I don't have any at the present time. I'm sure you are well aware that you are never given results of any test immediately, and if you have been keeping up on the reading, I have specified that both the Pet Scan AND MRI needed to be conducted before they would even tell me anything because they have to look over all the tests she has had before making a determination as to how to proceed with her care. Please be patient as nobody wants to know the results of what's been going on in that little body of hers for the last almost 11 months than me, her own mother.

Once I have that information whether good or bad I personally need time to process and digest it. Even if she is given the all clear that's not the end of the road for us. Things just don't suddenly stop because you go into remission. We have to have a plan in place and she still has to have scans every x amount of months they tell us for years to come. Arley will still be susceptible to Cancer for the rest of her life and will have to lead a cautious life well into adulthood. 

So as soon as I know anything, believe me I will tell you here, I will tell you on her Facebook page,  and anywhere else you have chosen to follow her journey. Until then.......

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