
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Updated GoFundMe Account

Recently I was approached by someone who was interested in writing a story about Arley and we had an extensive interview and I gave insight as to what has transpired, what she is currently enduring and the long road we have ahead of ourselves.

It has also been discussed to reach out to the media to gain attention because of the rarity of the cancer she has. Because of this, I didn't want my friend who created the original GoFundMe account to be overwhelmed should it take off, (We all know the power of social media) so I went ahead and created another account for this specific reason.

Not only that, but we have started to receive our first batch of medical bills from four months ago and my heart immediately sank as to the amount. I honestly do not know how I am going to be able to afford all of her medical bills as a single mother who has been on a leave of absence from her job since this all started.

Taking care of a sick child is a 24/7 job and leaves me no extra time to work a legitimate job at this time, so trying to figure out how to pay all these expenses is leaving me very overwhelmed and stressed out. If you knew me personally you would know that I never ask for help, if I need something I do it myself 100% because that's just the person I am, but now is the time where I truly need to swallow my pride so that I don't go any more in over my head than I already am.

If you are feeling generous and would like to donate, the fund can be found here: Go Fund Me Any little bit helps and it all will add up in the end. Both my daughter and I appreciate everything everyone has currently done for us. Thank you friends for supporting us in our fight to kick this cancer to the curb.

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