
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

So long 2014!

I can't believe it is finally New Years Eve. 

This year has flown by so quickly and I feel as though it has aged me several years too. 2014 has been the most challenging year for me on so many different levels yet I am proud of myself and proud of Arley for all that we accomplished.

The start of 2014 offered so many wonderful and beneficial promises. I went back to school to become a Drug & Alcohol Recovery Counselor and started my new job as a Pharmacy Tech. Everything was looking up and heading in such positive directions and then BAM! Life throws you a curve ball like you wouldn't believe and you are left trying to navigate blindfolded in the dark by yourself.

Because of this I learned who my true friends are. Something I never thought I would have to learn when a huge hiccup in life occurs. While it sucks very much to no longer have a relationship with your best friend, sometimes its best to let it go and move on for growing purposes. My life with Arley headed in a direction that some people were better able to handle than others. 

On the other hand I have had the pleasure of making new friends some of whom are on their own similar journey with kids that have cancer and together we have formed a bond, kind of like a secret society, one nobody hopes to become a member of, yet is still thankful to have someone there who "knows" and "understands." 

I have always been the type to stand up for myself and what I believe in which has helped tremendously when navigating the world of medicine and hospitals. I am Arley's advocate and voice throughout all of this and if something doesn't seem right I question it. If it doesn't feel right I question it. I have, like her doctor said in the beginning, "More knowledge about Rhabdomyosarcoma" than I ever thought possible. If I don't feel as though I am clicking with a nurse or PCA then I have no issue talking to the nurse manager to ensure they don't work with us again. If I feel a doctor on the unit at the time isn't taking me seriously I have no issue with requesting her primary Oncologist to come up and put me at ease.

So many parents are afraid to speak up for fear of stepping on toes. Not me. I have had my daughters life held in the hands of many different people this year and I have no qualms about who I want holding that precious life and if it upsets anyone then too bad not really so sad. I want the best care and treatment for her and I expect the best too and will not settle. 

Arley herself has overcome many obstacles this year. Not eating, not drinking, losing weight, gaining weight, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, trouble walking, getting sick, losing her hair. Through it all though she never lost her bubbly sunshine personality, always smiles even when she feels her worst, never missing a beat with the world around her or losing her sense of humor. She is way more wise at 3 then I am at almost 30. I get all my strength these days from her because her little body has gone through so much in the past 8 months than I have in my lifetime and I was always a sick child too, but never on the same scale as her.

2014 provided many ups, downs, smiles, and tears. It has made both Arley and I stronger because of it. We have tested limits and boundaries yet through it all we have so far come out on top together. 

I sincerely hope that 2015 offers us new direction and positivity in all aspects of our lives. We will focus solely on ourselves and remaining happy and healthy as opposed to worrying about things that we can not control. 

We thank you for being loyal readers for the last 8 months and hope that you continue to follow and support us as we embark on the next phase of our lives. 

Goodbye 2014 thanks for the memories. Until next time...

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