
Monday, May 5, 2014

Preparing for tomorrow

I just finished packing our bag for our hospital stay. We have to be at CCMC for 9am to begin Arley's first chemo treatment. It truly makes me sad and extremely nervous. I cried a little just thinking about it. We should be getting her test results back tomorrow to see if the cancer has spread to anywhere else in her little body. I'm trying to remain positive and optimistic that it's just isolated in her neck, but I also need to prepare myself for the worst so that I am not caught completely off guard.

I hope Arley responds well to her treatments but the thoughts and visions that have overcome my mind lately are making me super queasy. I wish that while packing our bag that we were getting ready to take the road trip down south like originally intended in the next two weeks but unfortunately that has been put on hold indefinitely because obviously her health is way more important than anything else on the planet.

The past few days have been good at home although today she was super emotional. Every little thing set her into a crying/screaming fit. I think she senses that something bad is coming up because she wasn't like this over the weekend. 

Yesterday my parents bought her an iPad mini to have something occupy her while her treatments are going on. We have a Nabi tablet but it can only do so much so we needed a little upgrade and she loves it so far. It has everything that I was looking for and know that it's a solid investment.

Speaking of gifts, I have been overwhelmed by the love, support and generosity that has been shown to Arley recently as we battle our way through this next chapter in our lives. She has received a few care packages and it warms my heart and soul to know that there are people out there who love her as much as I do and want to offer her comfort to take her mind off everything. 

I honestly can't thank everyone enough for all that they have done between the care packages, get well cards, and donations to her GoFundMe account. Seriously, I never knew the impact my little girl has had on everyone until this all transpired. I firmly believe in the old saying "It takes a village," because that's exactly what has happened. So many friends, family and virtual strangers from the United States & Canada have come together to help ensure that Arley is doing well and comforted by everything that she is going through. 

Well, I must get myself ready for bed we have a long couple days ahead of us and I need as much beauty sleep as I can get in the next 8 hours because you know one can never truly sleep in a hospital your room becomes a literal revolving door and it's always hard for me to fall back to sleep.

Anyways I will update you all asap, until then, take care xoxo

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