
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Round 2

Today Arley went in for her second round of chemo. Before she could get it though we had to check her numbers and make sure she was healthy enough to get it.

Her numbers had dipped since her first round but not significantly enough to NOT receive chemo today but enough to make them schedule us a follow up count check for Friday to make sure her numbers didn't dip even lower. If they did then they will order for a blood transfusion to get her through the weekend before her next round begins.

Now I don't know about you but that thought has me a little worried. I hear so many horror stories about someone needing a transfusion and then they get blood that was tainted. (I'm not going to explain that thought unless you can figure out what I mean by that on your own) 

That's the first thing that comes to my head when they say that. I mean, I've never had to research a blood transfusion before and what the process entails to ensure that the blood they have is good but I probably should do that sometime soon to ease my mind a bit because my mind just wanders to that place where something seemingly innocent turns into something much more than it is.

I guess the fear of the unknown has been on my mind lately and my faith has been tested constantly recently in the past few weeks because remember cancer was the least likely possibility on the totem pole that was wrong with my baby. 

Science though has come a really really really long way and I have to remind myself of that too. It's hard to forget that sometimes when you go through something like this because your mind immediately wanders and you just can't help it. Let's just hope that her numbers don't dip too far down to where she needs it so this mama doesn't seem like a cuckoo bird with the thoughts and uncertainty rolling around in her head.

The way the nurse mentioned it was really no big deal like a shrug of the shoulders how routine it is to transfer blood into a child. While I'm sure it IS, it still just makes me uncomfortable.

Anyways.... On a much different note Arley lost weight again. We are down now three pounds since this whole ordeal started. They are going to watch that extra close to make sure she doesn't lose too much. Arleys appetite differs so much lately from day to day or even meal by meal. Some days she skips a meal some day it's two. Some days she only wants snacks and some days only wants drinks. It's to the point now where I have to lay out several options and tell her to choose two and go with that otherwise she will just refuse everything and I'm not having that.

We are not concerned about calorie intake so whatever she is willing to eat or drink I give it to her. Still within reason of course but mostly whatever she thinks she can tolerate she gets. The radiologist told me last week that one male patient of hers wanted absolutely nothing but bacon. Bacon morning, noon and night and he got it. If that's what made him eat then that's what he received. 

I also did voice a few of my concerns lately and the answers I received were reassuring so that's a huge positive, but the two questions I needed answers to the most (what type of Rabdo and what stage she's at) were skirted around the inquiries because Arleys regular doctor was out today so we will have to ask him on Friday. Grr... That annoys me because everyone should be on the same page and should be able to answer me if asked. Sigh... In a perfect world I guess...

Arley will also be getting a new medicine via IV fluids and only once a month vs her other medicine that she gets twice a day for three days a week because she's still throwing it up or refuses a drink when she realizes that medicine is in it. While it's great to only get it once and through IV rather than orally it's not the best one she needs. As she gets older though she will probably be moved back to the meds that's making her sick now because she will understand better that taking the medicine will help her. Right now she's still too young and gets so worked up that it makes her sick immediately after the medicine is administered.

Overall though aside from the dip in numbers she's handling everything like the little trooper she is. 

Well right now she's relaxing watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I need to study for the final I missed today because I'm taking it tomorrow after my night class. Wish me luck though because I'm too stressed to retain this information anyways and I'll be lucky to pass with a "C" if I pass it at all. Ugh lol. Talk soon friends xoxo


  1. Is it possible for YOU to give blood and they can use that?

  2. I was going to ask the same as Hillary. Do you have the same blood type? Or maybe a close family member?

  3. I have no idea. That's a good question. I will look into it and ask them tomorrow when I go there. I will have to find out what blood type she is. My mom said they would have had to test it at some point to even know what she is. possibly when she was in the PICU.

    I have bad experiences when I just need to get blood drawn for labs, but if it was possible to use mine I would donate for her in a heartbeat.

  4. Years ago I worked in a hospital lab. Yes, you or anyone you know who has the same blood type as your daughter can donate blood and designate who the blood goes to your daughter.
